Event Report

"This Is What We Are Now!!" has been finished.
It’s our great pleasure that we could welcome lots of visitors.
Now, we'd like to look back the event with you.

Exhibition Area

Greeting from character panels!
Many visitors took pictures for their memory.

There were more than 1,000 pieces of art for making animation!
They included original paints and drawings which were actually used for our TV series and movies.

The special area which you could see the way how our artists of each sections (key frame, in-between, back ground, paint, and digital composite) actually do their job was also well-received.

Message Corner

The board of Message Corner was covered with the messages from all the staff of Kyoani and Do. In addition to that, with the many messages from visitors, this board was finally completed!
Here are some of the messages from our staff below!

Stage Event Area

Talk Stage Hall (the audience was randomly selected in advance)

We had 8 Talk Stages through 2 days. We had warm and enjoyable times with you.

Countdown to the Movie "High Speed! –Free! Starting Days-"

<Day 1>

(From the left) Yasuhiro Takemoto (Director), Futoshi Nishiya (Character Designer) and Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Voice Actor as Makoto Tachibana, attended Day1 only)

<Day 2>

The stage was filled with excitement as they answered to the questions which had been collected from fans before and talked about some unique stories which had occurred when they were making the movie. When the newest trailer was shown, the hall was heated up with fans' enthusiasm on every scene. There was also a lottery for the event posters with autographs, the stage finished with great prosperity.

Special Stage of "Sound! Euphonium"

(From the left) Anzai Chika, Kurosawa Tomoyo, Moe Toyota and Ayaka Asai

These 4 voice actresses appeared wearing the cute school costume of the animation, and the stage was heated up from the very beginning.
Since there was an announcement of making sequel of the Sound! Euphonium, they mostly talked about the previous TV series. The first season was finished, but we keep on showing their story. Please wait for the further news and we appreciate your continued support.

Special Stage of "Myriad Colors Phantom World"

(From the left) Tatsuya Ishihara (Director), Kazumi Ikeda (Character Designer) and Sumire Uesaka (Voice Actress as Mai Kawakami)

Not much information of this title was announced before this event. Therefore, as the first official event of the "Myriad Colors Phantom World", they made a presentation about what kind of animation it's going to be. Even if you couldn't attend the stage, please do not miss the TV broadcast that starts on January.

Kyoto Animation Director's Forum!

(From the left) Naoko Yamada, Taichi Ishidate, Yasuhiro Takemoto and Tatsuya Ishihara
They talked about each of their roots, what they keep in mind, and tips of making animations. Each talk was unique and interesting. Director Ishihara advised animator wannabe, "It is wasting your time if you are touching your smartphone on a train. Why don't you look at people and scenery around you carefully.".
The attendees could feel the enthusiasm of directors, and the stage finished successfully.

What we are now! Kyoto Animation & Animation Do Animation Crew's Forum!

(From the left) Noriyuki Kitanohara, Kazumi Ikeda, Takuya Yamamura, Kana Miyata, Mikiko Watanabe, Ryuta Nakagami

They talked about "the present situation" of Kyoto Animation & Animation Do. Along with the stage being heated up, one of them showed an interest to be a director in the future. And hidden story happened to be come out. It was a really enjoyable stage with great laughs.

Kyoto Animation 2D & 3D CG Artist's Talk Session

(From the left) Kazuya Takao, Yoshiko Tanaka, Yuji Shibata, Rin Yamamoto

The 2D & 3D CG Artist's stage began with the original movie which they specially made for this event. By using images and giving explanation, each staff talked about their techniques they use and their thought they put in each work. When they talked about omitted scenes, they showed some images which you would never be able to see except this event. With their great talk, the hall was filled with warm laughs.

Kyoto Animation & Animation Do Character Designers' Forum!

(From the left) Shoko Ikeda, Kazumi Ikeda, Futoshi Nishiya

At this stage, you could see how each character designer draw their characters on paper by a special movie. Some used a mechanical pencil rather than a normal pencil, and some preferred using a logarithmic paper under a normal paper. The way of drawing and the tools that they particularly selected were different on each designer. It was an interesting forum with many stories behind making animation.

Autograph Signing (the audience was randomly selected in advance)

We had 8 autograph signings through 2 days.
Animators wrote down each attendee's name on his/her special cardboard.

Shopping Area

Including presale items, we sold 54 items in total.

We really appreciate your coming to our event "KYOANI & DO FAN DAYS 2015 -This Is What We Are Now!!-" .