Event Goods

We will sell Kyoani’s and Do’s original goods in the Hall.
Please wait for the release of more detailed information.

note : All images of the items are under development.
It is possible for them to be changed in design and/or spec.

note: We will accept online orders for these items later,
but we're afraid that we can ship only within Japan.

Memorial goods of "This Is What We Are Now!!"

    Pictrial Record of each title
    (Chunibyo / TAMAKO / Free! ES&High Speed! / BtB / Eupho)

    Newest items sold from the Event

    We have selected the best Key frame pictures from the Exhibition Area for the books.

    5 kinds, consisted of 32 pages each.

    B2 size Event poster

    Newest items sold from the Event

    This is a B2 size poster on which the main illustration of the Event is printed.

    Brochure of the Event, "This Is What We Are Now!!"

    Newest items sold from the Event

    This is the brochure of the Event which includes the introduction of each title and our animation crew comments.


    "Sound! Euphonium"
    2016 Calendar

    Newest items sold from the Event

    These items become so popular every year! All illustrations were newly painted for them!

    Shoko Ikeda, the character designer of the title, newly painted for this.

    A2 size, spiral-bound, 7 sheets

    "Free! -Eternal Summer-"
    2016 Calendar

    Newest items sold from the Event

    These items become so popular every year! All illustrations were newly painted for them!

    A2 size, spiral-bound, 7 sheets

    "Beyond the Boundary -I'LL BE HERE-"
    2016 Calendar

    Newest items sold from the Event

    These items become so popular every year! All illustrations were newly painted for them!

    B2 size, 1 sheet *poster type

    "TAMAKO love story"
    2016 Calendar

    Newest items sold from the Event

    These items become so popular every year! All illustrations were newly painted for them!

    B2 size, 1 sheet *poster type

    "Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! -Heart Throb-" 2016 Calendar

    Newest items sold from the Event

    These items become so popular every year! All illustrations were newly painted for them!

    B2 size, 1 sheet *poster type

    Free!ES Parapara Playing Cards of Samezuka, and Free! Parapara Playing Cards of Iwatobi

    We will release the playing cards of Samezuka team from Free!ES! And we'll also reproduce the playing cards of Iwatobi team from Free!

    Free!ES Clear Rubber Coaster Strap!

    Can Badge Set of each title
    (Chunibyo / TAMAKO / Free! ES / BtB / Eupho)

    Newest items sold from the Event

    These can badge sets are memorial for the Event.

    5 kinds, consisted of 6 badges each. The badge size is 57mm.

    TAMAKO love story Canvas Art

    This item has been sold in only the real Kyoani Shop. Now, you can get it in the Special Shop Area during the Event!